Christian Television

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About Christian Television

Up to eight Christian channels are available in almost all areas around the world now. These channels are legal and totally free and all that is required is to install a satellite dish and a satellite receiver not much different to a standard set top box available in normal retail stores. It is also not much different to a pay TV installation. Anyone in Australia that used to have satellite pay TV and the installation remains, all that is required is to purchase a satellite receiver and move the direction of the existing dish a few degrees. A large amount of free foreign TV channels will tune in as well for those who want them.

Installation is relatively simple but some difficulty can be experienced in pointing the dish correctly. 3ABN Australia have self install instructions on their website and the link is given below. If you want someone else to install it for you, there are many people who will do this for an average cost of $400 AUS, which includes all hardware costs as well. This will be the one and only financial outlay. There are also some dish initiative programs in Australia that will install the equipment for free for a trial period and you pay for the equipment only if you decide to keep it. Email us if you would like some contacts of people who can do this for you in Australia. If you are in other countries, I suggest going to either of the websites for the two channels below and asking them for guidance and assistance.

Below are two of the best of the eight Christian channels, which have excellent teaching on personal health and Bible prophecy and more. There is a lot of wrong Bible prophecy getting taught today as Satan has propagated a lot of lies that have lead a lot of people to believe that it cannot be understood. This is not true and through these channels you will find out how the false prophecy has been spread and why so many have been deceived by it and in fact that prophecy can be understood. It is absolutely awesome when you do understand Bible prophecy as it brings the Bible to life providing a much greater understanding of the Word all round and it increases your faith as you see how perfectly and incredibly accurate the Bible is. I came across these channels by chance and it has changed our family's life in a fantastic way and has given us a whole new ministry. We cannot give them higher recommendation.

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN) is the "Mending Broken People Network," a 24-hour Christian television and radio network. 3ABN's focus is to present programming which will reach people right where they are hurting. 3ABN offers divorce recovery programs, drug and alcohol rehabilitation, cooking and health programs, stop smoking and weight loss, programs that deal with children and family issues, organic gardening, natural home remedies, gospel music programs, as well as a variety of inspirational themes from the Bible for children and adults.

Today, surrounded by the rolling farmland of Southern Illinois, 3ABN beams its television and radio programming to five satellites which carry it to every inhabited continent. 3ABN is the second largest Christian network in North America (in regard to numbers of owned and operated UHF stations). 3ABN's "down-home" approach and the absence of large fundraising efforts or telethons holds a special appeal for its viewers.

3ABN is not owned, operated or funded by any church, denomination or organization, so people from all cultures and backgrounds appreciate 3ABN programming. For those who would like to self install. Here is a link to 3ABN Australia.

  Click here to watch the 3ABN channel live online.

The Hope Channel

The Hope Channel is a Christian television network that seeks to bring everlasting hope to people around the world. They believe true inner peace and contentment is found in Jesus Christ. Their programming is designed to help people experience the abundant life that Jesus promised in John 10:10.

Our programs communicate our core beliefs from the Holy Bible:

  • God is love and He has revealed Himself in His Son Jesus Christ. 1 John 4:16; John 14:9.
  • Jesus is the divine Son of God and is not a created being, but is the eternal God. John 1:1.
  • Jesus came to this earth to live a perfect life without sin and give His life on the cross to pay the penalty for our sin. Romans 5:6-10.
  • When Jesus comes into our lives He makes us new creatures. 2 Corinthians 5:17. He writes His law in our hearts and we seek to live in a way that honors God. Hebrews 8:10; John 14:15.
  • Bible prophecy reveals that the end of this world is imminent and Jesus will soon return. Revelation 22:12.
  • Our mission is to help people prepare to not only live for Jesus in this world, but to also be prepared for His soon return. Revelation 22:17.
  Click here to watch the Hope channel live online.


 3ABN TV   3ABN is available almost everywhere through UHF/VHF, cable and sattellite: 
AMC-4 Hot Bird 6 Optus D2 PAS-9 Sky Angel Thaicom-3
Hope TV  Hope channel is also available from many sattellites including:
Hope TV
AMC-4 Hot Bird 6 Optus D2 PAS 7 PAS-2 NSS-806

To find out more click here to go to the 3ABN website.
To find out more click here to go to the HOPE website.

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